Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Lee MacDaugall & Paper Aeroplaney Circus Comes to Town

After a very long and action filled first tour day it wasn't as easy as the day before to move our behinds out of bed, but the world looked better after a hearty breakfast.

(By the way... if we have readers here interested in how the hotel breakfasts are going... you know who you are ;-) ... we can recommend the one in München. The fried eggs and the omelettes were very yummy and the staff friendly and helpful ;-)

Back in the room we tried to get as much work done as possible, but soon enough it was past noon and past official check-out time. We grabbed our stuff in a hurry and left. Servus Munich, a great time was had by all, see you next time.

Several miles later on the Autobahn Stefie realized: she doesn't have Lee's guitar string bracelet anymore. I vaguely remembered that I had seen it on the table in the hotel room... where it probably still was.
In the car it was now time to pop in Lee's new EP into the player. And it was love at first listen! The four new songs are absolutely beautiful. Make sure to grab your copy at one of the shows.

We arrived at the hotel in Stuttgart around 3:30pm and S immediately called the hotel in Munich. Yes, they had found the bracelet (yay!) and also the make-up bag.

Umm... the what?

"Make-up bag?" S said to the person on te line while looking at me with a question mark on her face, miming yours or mine?

Easy. There's only one Queen of Chaos in the house and it's not S. There was no point of giving me another eye-roll though... she had forgotten her bracelet after all, right? Right. Happens to all of us, dear ;-)

[Note from Stefie: Another eye-roll? it was the first one for today... DEAR ;.)]

The friendly hotel lady agreed to send all missed items to the home address in Velbert. We'd have to stock up tonight in Lee's shop and tomorrow in the next drug store.

Now it was time to get more work done and after getting us two of those

we planted ourselves in front of our laptops to type reports, edit photos, upload videos...
At one point I had mentioned that there was a Burger King right around the corner of our hotel... the idea wasn't picked up though for whatever reason... and so time FLEW by until it was time to leave for the show.

As you've noticed, there was no time this time for passing out our little flyers, nor for sightseeing. Sometimes it sucks that the day only has 24 hours. Or more importantly... that there are not more Street Team members to help promoting their favorite artist.  What about all you Lee fans out there? No one there, willing to join the team? It really isn't that difficult to lend a helping hand ;-)

However. We arrived at the venue at 7pm sharp and walked in. Tour manager Mona was standing at the merch table, looked up and said "why am i not surprised that you're the first ones?"

Because you know us by now, Mona :-) And if you're reading this... THANK YOU!!! ;-))

We found the perfect spot to watch and now it was time for the first beer of the day. Only then we realized that we had somehow forgotten about the eating business. Too late. Calories in liquid form would have to do.

Alright, so the verdict eas in: Paper Aeroplanes would be the first ones on stage tonight. How nice for a change to see Lee come out second ;-) For us at least. This was our 14th Lee show and 3 times he'd been the first to come out.

Sarah & Rich started their set at around 8:15pm and everyone in th house was in for another great treat from Paper Aeroplanes, and then, one hour and 15 minutes later from Lee. Who wore the black pants and jacket again but had exchanged dress shirt an tie for a wife beater white ripped tank top. (sing along with me: ... 'cause every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man...).

Compose yourselves Ladie's. We're here for the music, aren't we.

And the music was oooohhh sooooo good!! The setlist was the same as yesterday (and yeah, the one from yeserdey was correct). Here it is again:

London In The Summer
The Star Hotel
You're Not Her
(new song, please check yesterday's post for the video)
She (unplugged)
The EPIC Clint Eastwood/Fresh Prince/German hip hop cover
Falling In love For The Last time

Together with PA:
A Girl In NY
Newport Beach

Once again people had a great time, Lee was incredibly funny and in his best form!

Hope you guys understand that I'm not talking about everything he says here, because I don't want to spoil it for those who have yet to see a show. Once the tour is over ... or for the last few shows, I'll post some more.

I've managed to upload some photos finally... Please excuse the quality. It was so damn DARK in that club... difficult to get brilliant results. Hope you enjoy them anyway :-)

And here's a video of Joanna, the first song of the night

Once again the time went by way too fast. Another wonderful evening was over. Really wish, more people had come though.

See you in Dortmund.


  1. ladys i love your blog already.... but the waiting gets even more difficult now.... counting the days

    1. Thanks Rabea. I've just found out that the video (Joanna) was oviously set to private again. Sorry!! Problem was fixed now.

  2. I was able to watch the video in the previous post, but this one (Joanna) says it's private. Can you fix it? Is there some setting you keep forgetting to change or what? As for the blog entry itself, very well done, again! It's interesting and entertaining to read. I'm glad Stefie is getting her bracelet back and you, your makeup bag. As for the readers who are interested in how the breakfasts are going...cough cough...GIMME THEM EGGS!!!!!

    When you said: ...was our 14th Lee show and 3 times he'd been the first to come out.

    Did you mean 3 times he was the last to come out? Meaning he's been the headliner 3 of the 14 times you've seen him?

    Looking forward to your next check-in!

    1. Alright Jinjer... thanks for pointing out one thing that I became aware of too late, and another I became aware of through your post.

      a) Yes I have to change the video setting from private to public. But I had done that. Or so I thought. Obviously not. But now I've DEFINITELY changed it. Should be working now. It's the 2ns time this has happened. FML. This has GOT to change.

      b) That sentence you mention doesn't make any sense at all. Noticed that only AFTER the blog was online and then there was no time to change it. I wrote the biggest part while we were on the Autobahn, and once we were at the hotel there wasn't much time to proof-read. I wanted to upload it before we left. Sigh. There just wasn' t enough time today. Thank God that changes, starting tomorrow. There won't be such a long drive, and there will be an off day on Monday.

      Thanks for commenting... and for pointing out mistakes ;-)

  3. Thanks for clarifying about whether or not Lee came out first or last those 3 times. I wasn't quite sure.

    Wish I had one of those delicious-looking hot beverages!!!!!!

    As usual, your pictures are GREAT!

  4. ahhhh.... endlich auch die Kommentar-Funktion entdeckt... nach laaanger Suche!

    was bleibt mir zu sagen? Eigentlich nichts außer: I love your blog, Ladies!!! Go on !! Weiter so!

    Petra aka Holla <3


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